Digital transformation of marketing banking innovations in the conditions of financial instability




marketing in banking sector, innovation, cloud technology, Big Data, automation


The directions of special marketing tools using for ensure the banking business financial stability and the banks innovative activities orient not only to their opportunities, but also on the market needs, are formulated in the article. It is shown that the financial instability in the modern market determines the need of special marketing tools formation for innovations introducing. The options for digital and traditional marketing components combining, which will vary depending on the adopted business model and the state of the market product and price segments are developed. The stages of digital marketing of banking innovations development in Ukraine are investigated. An innovative orientation of the methods and forms of different types of management activities organization in bank marketing are clarified. The main components of digital ecosystem are summarized: social, mobile, analytical and cloud technologies. The research shows that over the past four years, Ukrainian banks have focused on how to bring some of these components and principles into basic business processing. The work of digital technologies marketing in banking sector is analyzed. The available applications of cloud technologies, which marketers have at their disposal for relationships managing, the information about potential customers tracking, a new channels testing and the marketing strategy effectiveness determining are substantiated. The directions of banking innovations introducing in the conditions of financial instability, the banks’ ability increasing to information resources effectively use, negative external and internal factors resisting, risks minimizing, maximum profitability maintaining, new banking technologies and products developing, competitive positions in the market and customer confidence maintaining, are proposed. The prospect for further research of Big Data and cloud services is the system approaches development in providing of cloud providers a convenient mechanism for data depersonalization and service security improving, is shown

Author Biography

Victoriia Piddubna, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student of Banking Department


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