Methodical features of the bank’s activity planning
macroeconomic indicators of a country, banking system of a country, commercial bank, management of the bank’s activities, bank’s activities planning, norms for planning activities of the bank’s activities, balance of the bank, income and expenses of bankAbstract
The article offers a scientific and practical approach to the planning methodology formation of Ukrainian bank’s activity in modern conditions. The article shows: bank’s activity significantly depends on the macroeconomic situation in the country; the bank’s activities performance indicators planning are based on forecasts of the country’s macroeconomic indicators; the country’s macroeconomic indicators forecasting based of simple models (average value, absolute growth or growth rate, trend, autoregressive model) are gives a significant error in settlements; more reliable settlements of future indicators values can be obtained by creating the system or structural models based on cause-effect relationships; the structural models using in practical settlements requires the limitation of their dimensionality; as the actual changes in the estimates of the future occur, the plans of a commercial bank should be adjusted and these adjustments are the greater, the stronger the deviation of the fact from the forecast. As a result of the conducted research, the following are justified: the logical relationship of country’s macroeconomic indicators and the currency of balance of the country’s banking system; strategic indicator of the bank’s competitiveness assessment; an internal planning standards using for calculate the future values of assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the bank; a list of the main standards for the bank activity planning; the standards calculating methodology for bank’s activity planning based on the extrapolation of past values or expert estimates; the methodological approach to the individual methods formation of activity planning in a separate bank are generalized.
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