Features of modern expert researches of perfumery products
expert researches, perfumery products, quality indices, technical requirements, marking, international standardsAbstract
The article highlights the expert researches features of perfumery products. The main research methods in accordance with national standards and international normative documents are determined. The main provisions of the quality assessment, marking and packaging of perfumery products are analyzed with the purpose of their expertise methodology updating in accordance with modern requirements of regulatory documentation. The comparative characteristic of technical requirements of international standards to the quality of perfumery products and technical requirements of national standards is given. According to the results of imported and domestic perfumery products range comparing, it has been established that the main difference between them lies in the perfumery composition content and the qualification of perfume smell’s stability. It has been established that the main factors in the perfumery goods quality formation are raw materials, the quantitative and qualitative product’s composition, the specifics of its production (consistency, packaging nature, type of consumer packaging, capacity of product unit). An assessment of perfumery products quality was conducted for determine their conformity with a modern regulatory documents on the main sensory, physical and chemical quality indicators, and also assessment of packaging conformity in which the perfume liquors are packed, marking and packaging according to the methods, which are given in the European regulatory documents. The authors proposed an algorithm for carrying out the main stage of commodity examination of perfumery products quality for compliance the current requirements of international standards, regulations and directives and regulatory and technical requirements of national standards, which in further developments can be the basis for a modern method of perfumery products expertise.
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