Regional measuring of decent work in Ukraine: assessment of components and monitoring of changes




decent work, regional personnel policy, employment, wages, working conditions, social protection, social dialogue, socio-economic region’s development


The article considers the issues of decent work measuring in the regions of Ukraine. It is proved that decent work and level of socio-economic development of regions are in a dialectical connection. The regional decent work index (RDWI) was calculated with the author’s methodology using, which involves three stages: standardization of indicators in each component of index, determination of sub-indexes from every group of indexes, determination of regional index of decent work. The results of regional decent work index assessment in Ukraine in 2017, which calculated by the developed method, are presented. The regional decent work index is an integral indicator and it covers the individual components of decent work: employment, wages, working conditions, social protection and social dialogue. A quantitative assessment of five components of index (subindexes) is performed with a state statistics data using. Based on the obtained results, the regions of Ukraine were grouped according to the best and worst values of the sub-indices of the regional decent work index, and tendencies of movement of the regions of Ukraine between these groups for five-year period are determined. The calculation of regional decent work index value allowed us to build the regions of Ukraine rating, which illustrate the territorial differences in the degree of decent work maintenance conditions. It was compared with the regions rating in terms of socio-economic development. The directions for improving the regional personnel policy that promote the spread of the decent work sphere and, as a result, ensure the region’s socio-economic development are substantiated. The research results, which presented in the article, are the practical value and they are basis for priorities adjusting of regional personnel policy towards a decent work indicators achieving

Author Biography

Olga Doronina, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Management and Behavioral Economics


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics