Personnel security providing as a function of personnel management
security, personnel security, HR-management, risks, personnel security system, staffing serviceAbstract
The article reveals the essence of enterprises personnel security from the standpoint of a systematic approach, its role and place in the personnel management system. The various approaches to the «personnel security» category interpretation are analyzed and its own definition of this concept is proposed. It was emphasized, that the personnel component occupies the main place among other elements of security system, since it covers the whole range of activities, aimed at preventing and eliminating negative consequences for the company economic condition, related to the work and personnel behavior. Theoretical positions are stated and scientific and practical recommendations on the personnel security ensuring in the personnel management system are given. It is determined that the personnel security provision involves the process of preventing negative consequences, associated with personnel, its intellectual potential and labor relations in general. The relationship of personnel security providing with personnel management functions is shown. In this regard, it was proposed to consider the personnel security providing process in the context of the main directions of personnel management, namely: personnel planning, personnel selection and hiring, personnel assessment, personnel development, personnel motivation, personnel monitoring and personnel release. The approach to the organization employees ranking from the standpoint of ensuring its personnel security is presented. The main forms of threats implementing, emanating from various groups of workers and methods of countering them, are highlighted. It was concluded that the measures implementation to personnel security providing at the modern enterprises will make it perceived as one of most important elements of an enterprise’s economic security system and neutralize a range of threats.
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