Some theoretical features of the bank’s activity planning
commercial bank, the bank’s activity management, the bank’s activity planning, the bank’s activity planning theory, methodology of bank activity planning, a stages of bank’s activity planning procedureAbstract
The article considers the point of view to a number of theoretical features of the Ukrainian bank activity planning in modern conditions. It is shown that planning increases the bank’s readiness for sudden changes in the market situation and solves the defining problem of the bank objectives development, the concrete ways of their implementation at the different levels of detail and the time periods of its activity. The relationship between the forecast and plan is illustrated and it is concluded that forecasting is a research base for planning. Characteristic differences between the forecast and plan are shown: forecasting is probabilistic ‒ it is research and predictions, a scientific description of the future; the plan has a normative character ‒ it is an indication of goals and ways of their achievement. It is shown that the degree of cardinality of plan adjustments depends on the degree of bank’s activity environment changing. It was emphasized that each commercial bank independently forms its own approach to performance indicators planning with a greater or lesser degree of success. According to the research results are substantiated: the planning role in the bank management; concept of the bank’s activity plan; concept of object, subject and subject of bank planning; methodological principles of banking planning process organization; requirements to the bank’s plans arising from the peculiarities of banking activity; the planning process stages of an individual bank. The given point of view emphasizes the possibility and necessity of existence of other theoretical approaches to the bank’s activity planning. Different approaches help in the banks practical work, which is in an individual conditions of its life cycle of activity
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