Productivity of trading enterprises activity as an object of management




efficiency of activity, trading enterprises, efficiency of activity management, modeling, retail trade


The article considers the theoretical basis for determining of the retail industry enterprises effectiveness as an object of management. The approaches of foreign and domestic scientists to the definition of enterprises performance management concept are investigated. An approach to managing of the retail industry enterprises effectiveness, which using a modern methods of sales volumes forecasting, is considered, in particular, the methodology of approach to the multivariate econometric modeling with dummy variables in forecasting process of key performance indicators dynamics of retail industry enterprises using, is demonstrated. The basic econometric patterns of the predicted values dependence of sales volume on the main factors are formed. Visualization of the forecasting idea of the volume of revenues of retail enterprises is proposed. The expediency of described methodology applying for effectiveness improving of the retail industry enterprises activity is substantiated. The list of permanent nature measures, which aimed at the enterprises activity effectiveness increasing through the forecasting modern methods using of the main indicators of revenue side of their budgets are proposed. Conclusions and prospects for further research, which were made in this article, include of the retail industry company’s real indicators in-depth analysis and the software implementation, which proposed in the process of research and subsequent work.

Author Biography

Anna Kryzhanovska, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student of Management Department


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Management and business administration