Methodical bases of innovative methods using in research of market environment influence on the enterprise economy
marketing audit, marketing diagnostics, foresight, benchmarking, marketing policyAbstract
The article considers the conditions in which modern enterprises operate and highlights key success factors, which include the ability to respond in a timely and effective manner to changes in the external environment, as well as the streamlined process of measures introducing to adapt an enterprise strategy to them. It was determined that the basis for effective correction of the company marketing strategy is the correct decision for using the most appropriate analytical tool that will allow to conduct in-depth research of the company’s external environment, to identify the most influential macro- and micromarketing factors, to determine of their degree influence, and enterprise’s position in the market and trends, which affecting on the market. It was emphasized that as a using result of the selected analytical marketing tools, a program of measures aimed at realization of market opportunities, minimization of the negative impact of changes in the environment, as well as improvement of an enterprise’s marketing policy and the company development as a whole, should be formed. As a result of research, it was revealed that one of the most effective modern marketing tools is a marketing audit, which allows performing the above-mentioned tasks. It was proposed to consider a marketing audit as a combination of methodological approaches to the use of a wide range of marketing tools – diagnostics, «foresight», benchmarking. It was noted that certain marketing tools in aggregate will have a synergistic effect, which will increase the effectiveness of marketing audit for Ukrainian enterprises. Implementation of this toolkit will lead to more effective of an enterprise’s adaptation to changes in the company environment through continuous and in-depth study of external and internal factors influence, identifying risks and market opportunities that may arise in the forecast period, as well as the developed process of forming a plan for strategic adjustment measures marketing policy of the company. Thus, the marketing audit tools using will have a direct impact on the domestic enterprises competitiveness improving in the domestic and foreign markets.
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