Formation of organic products market in Ukraine




organic agricultural production, organic products, organic products market, organic operators, organic products sales channels


The article formulates the basic properties of organic products that determine its safety, quality and enhanced nutritional properties. Data of agricultural enterprises number that are engaged in the cultivation of organic products in the regions of Ukraine are summarized, as well as information about land area, which certified in accordance with organic standards, is given. Analysis of organic products market in Ukraine is given and a steady trend towards its annual growth is shown (including by exports increasing, organic products consumption on the domestic market and partially, imports). The plant materials of organic origin data list are presented; specific data about countries- exporters of domestic raw materials are given. It was noted that the regulatory framework, adopted in Ukraine, will contribute to internal organic market development. The questions of organic operators’ distribution according to different differential features (territorial, organizational and legal form of business, activity sphere) are considered. It is shown that, on a territorial feature, most organic operators are concentrated in the South of Ukraine (Odessa, Zaporozhye, Kherson and Nikolaev regions), and 18 operators was registered in the Odessa region, which are certified according to European standards and engaged in crop production. The variety of sales sources of organic products in Ukraine are analyzed in general and the Odessa region, in particular. An organic products assortment analysis in Odessa supermarkets is paid attention. Different approaches to pricing for organic products are shown in retail chains, where products of organic origin are sold. The prospects of further researches in improvement sphere of organic products promotion strategy in the domestic market are substantiated.

Author Biographies

Tetyana Kundilovska, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Expertise of Goods and Services

Natalya Zelenyanskaya, National Scientific Centre «Institute of Viticulture and Wine Making Named After V. Ye. Tairov»

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Worker, Deputy Director for Science and Innovation Activity


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity