Digitalization as a main direction of logistics innovative development
logistics, innovations, digitization, Big data, Internet of things, Open data, crowd sourcing, robotics, 3D printing, exoskeleton, Blockchain, Machine LearningAbstract
The scientist’s approaches to determining of logistic innovations types and directions of innovative development in logistics are investigated in the article. The world tendencies of digital technologies development and social networks using are analyzed. The competitive advantages of traditional and «digital» business formations are investigated. The development trends of Logistics 4.0 are determined. Ten main directions of digitization in the Logistics 4.0 innovative development, which can be divided into three groups: data processing, collaboration (pooling) and automation, are highlighted. These directions include Big data, Internet of things, Open data, digital merging firms, Crowd-solutions for the last mile, transport and storage robotization, 3D printing, exoskeletons, Block chain technology and smart contracts, Machine Learning technology. The problems, advantages and application prospects of Вig data estimation in the logistics functional spheres have been carried out. The role of Internet of things technologies in logistics companies is considered. Open data logistic data registers creating with information visualization are proposed, which will significantly increase of outsourcing efficiency in logistics, and can be financed through government assistance and Crowd funding (collective cooperation of logistics companies). Examples of firm’s digital merger are given. The crowd sourcing using in logistics and its advantages are considered. The robotic devices types, which can be used by logistics companies, prospects and their application implications, are clarified. The possibilities of 3D-printing and exoskeletons using in logistic operations are considered. The Block chain technologies application analysis in logistics organizations have been carried out. The advantages and Block chain technologies and smart contracts using perspectives in compliance of the logistics principles are substantiated. The advantages of Machine Learning using in management improving in such of logistics functional spheres, as purchasing logistics, inventory management, warehouse logistics, marketing logistics, and distribution logistics, are estimated. It was proposed these directions implementation in logistics by Ukrainian business entities, which will allow them to achieve significant competitive advantages.
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