The dynamics of Odessa region hotel business development
hotel legal entities, hotels individual entrepreneurs, the dynamics of hotel industry development, hotel industry, hotel services, place of Odessa region among administrative-territorial units of UkraineAbstract
The article analyzes the current state of the hotel business of Odessa region, taking into account the activity of both hotels of legal entities and individuals-entrepreneurs. The dependence of the tourist image of Odessa region and the potential of attracting foreign investments into the development of the hotel economy from the post-crisis stabilization of the country’s state is traced. The place of Odessa region among other administrative-territorial units of Ukraine on the indicators of the operational program was revealed and changes dynamics for 2015–2017 is analyzed. Research of tourists’ distribution by countries from which they came to Odessa region, with the latest trends identification and the statement of tourist industry stabilization was conducted. The rates of growth in the number and capacity of hotels in the regions of Ukraine with the leaders’ identification and changes dynamics analysis in the context of separate hotels of legal entities and individuals-entrepreneurs are calculated. The coefficient of capacity utilization as an indicator of business activity of the hotel industry with identification of its imperfection in analysis as an independent separate element on example of the Lugansk region is analyzed. The place of Odessa region according to the structural units of the hotel service sphere for 2015–2017 is calculated, with the positions identification behind which hotels have lagging behind and have development potential. The income indexes from the offered hotel services of Odessa region are shown with the revealing of the big lag behind the indicators of Kyiv. The main tendencies of Odessa region hotel industry for the last three years are determined and recommendations on improvement of competitive positions of Odessa region are proposed.
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