Political and legal factors of Ukrainian-Chinese relations of strategic partnership





political and legal factors, political dialogue, strategic partnership, trade and economic cooperation, Ukrainian-Chinese relations, «One Belt, one Road»


The article examines the evolution of Ukrainian-Chinese relations in terms of the influence of political and legal factors on their state as well as on the trade and economic relations development. Five stages of development of relations between countries are identified, which have replaced each other as a result of intensified or slowed down political dialogue between countries, characterized by their own formula of cooperation and have always remained friendly. There were no political disagreements between the countries, although certain stages of slowing down of relations took place and were mainly related to the lack of political dialogue at the highest level due to the change of Ukrainian foreign policy’ priorities in 2005‒2010 and 2014‒2016 years. The establishment of a strategic partnership in 2011 was preceded by a mutually beneficial cooperation, a long-term relations, then a constructive partnership. Now the state of Ukrainian-Chinese relations is declared as a strategic partnership and strategic priority with the prospect of growing into a state of political interaction in the international arena, which is supported by a sufficient regulatory framework. The achievement of political and legal understanding between the countries was facilitated by the political dialogue restoration between Ukraine and China in 2017, the next step is the promotion of trade and economic cooperation, which has not yet reached its historical peak of 2013, but has new perspectives. The tool for deepening partnerships between countries is Ukraine’s full participation in the Chinese global initiative «One Belt, One Road», for which it is necessary to diversify forms of cooperation, expand the range of investment projects, determine the conditions for creating a free trade zone, etc. It was determined that following a new Silk Road functioning principle ‒ «mutual benefit and common gain» ‒ will reduce in the future the influence of political and legal factors on trade and economic cooperation.

Author Biographies

Ganna Muzychenko, State Institution «South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky»

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor of Political Sciences and Law Department

Ding Xin, Harbin Engineering University

PhD in Psychology


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International economic relations