Factors of influence on the motor transport enterprises sustainability
enterprise’s sustainability, sustainability factors, enterprise life cycleAbstract
On the basis of sustainable development theory and practice generalization, the combination of sustainability factors of motor transport enterprise is systemized and classified in the article. The necessity of taking into account of enterprise’s life cycle stages in shaping of its sustainable development policy is substantiated. The subject of research is the motor transport enterprises sustainability. The purpose of article is to substantiate the main factors influencing of enterprise sustainability and to present their classification based on analysis of modern theoretical approaches and practical experience of providing an economic sustainability for domestic motor transport enterprises. The research methods are generally scientific. After analyzing the state of motor transport enterprises and their development we can conclude that they depend on many factors that affect on sustainability change. Effective management of activity involves the forecasting of these factors and timely response to their action. Thus, in uncertainty conditions, an important task for enterprise becomes the factors identification and analysis, which influence on an activity parameters in order to ensure its long and maximum effective functioning. The factors number and variability, to which an enterprise must respond, depends on the complexity degree of internal and external environment. The concept of «factor», which is considered as a condition and reason for achieving a certain level of enterprise sustainability, is justified in this research. An enterprise’s sustainability depends on the factors combination at different stages of its life cycle: creation, growth, stabilization, reduction. An effective functioning ensuring at each stage involves a balance maintaining with an external environment, i.e. adaptation to external changes. It is noted that various factors play different roles and have different meanings for enterprise’s sustainability ensuring. For individual factors role identifying, it was proposed to group them according to certain characteristics: by place of origin (external and internal), by method of influence (direct and indirect), by duration of action (permanent and temporary), by degree of influence (significant, insignificant), by directionality impact (stabilization, destabilizing), by level of influence (regional, national, international), by spheres of manifestation (economic, social and environmental).
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