Analysis of competitiveness development of Ukrainian products in the conditions of globalization
competition, state policy, competitiveness, domestic production, economic development, national economyAbstract
The article considers competition as a category, in which the state’s vigorous activity defines and implements a competitiveness strategy, establishes the «game rules» for market relations. The current state of Ukrainian products competitiveness in accordance with the Global Competitiveness Index in 2017–2018 is analyzed. For actualization an existing problem, the goal is set to analyze and identify the causes of goods, products and services low competitiveness, which produced in Ukraine, and to summarize the ways of their improvement in the context of modern globalization, transformation and European integration processes. The main advantages of national economy competitiveness ensuring are highlighted, but at the same time it is determined that a goods, which Ukraine exports, cannot adequately fill the country’s budget, that is, a raw materials have never been a commodity, which can save an economy. It was proposed to take as an example of the Poland experience, where the products manufacturing of European brands is carried out under tolling schemes. It has been established that the main factors, which hold back the competitiveness development of Ukrainian products in the context of globalization are the domestic market imperfection, the tax policy ineffectiveness, an incentives inhibition for innovation and investment activity, corruption, shadow economy, imperfection of public administration system in the framework of competitive advantages protecting of domestic commodity producers. The following ways of existing problem solving are proposed, namely: to determine the priorities of economic development and to direct resources for implementation of the most promising and efficient branches of national production, which have the proper competitive ability to enter an international market, to stabilize the tax system, financial and monetary policy; to improve of competition regulation system and stimulate innovation processes implementing in the economy.
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