Trends and prospects of financial leasing market development in Ukraine
financial leasing, financial institution, lessor, financial leasing agreement, cost of financial leasing agreement, leasing service, leasing services market, leasing industryAbstract
The article substantiates the popularity of financial leasing as an alternative form of bank lending. The dynamics and prospects of financial leasing market development in Ukraine are analyzed in accordance with the following indicators: number of financial institutions and legal entities – lessors; the dynamics of the value and number of financial leasing agreements concluded by financial institutions and legal entities – lessors; cost and structural distribution of financial leasing agreements by industry; cost of financial leasing agreements by equipment; the structural division of the value of financial leasing agreements by the term of their operation. Trend models of the number of financial institutions and legal entities ‒ lessors in Ukraine are constructed and their forecast values for 2019 are determined with using correlation and regression analysis according to the data for 2007–2018. An analysis of the value dynamics and number of financial leasing agreements concluded by financial companies and legal entities ‒ lessors that are not financial companies, allowed us allowed to distinguish two periods, which became a critical in the upward trend formation. The changes in the value distribution of financial leasing agreements by branches during the analyzed period of 2008–2018 are revealed and characterized based on the systematization and analysis of statistical data. The trends in the distribution of the cost structure of financial leasing agreements by their validity period and value of financial leasing agreements by equipment are determined. The main restraining factors of leasing industry development in Ukraine are presented.
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