Statistical aspects of Ukrainian agribusiness’ monitoring




statistical methods, observation, monitoring algorithm, agriculture, agrarian sector, structure, dynamics


The regular monitoring issues of the agricultural sector are becoming of primary importance in the globalization and transformation context of Ukrainian economy. Therefore, conceptual approaches to the monitoring interpretation as a process of agribusiness observation in Ukraine are systematized and generalized in the conducted research, in order to assess its current state and prospects of functioning in the market relations conditions. It is proved that statistical monitoring must timely and fully monitor the situational moments, as well as to form high-quality databases for further analysis and forecasting of agribusiness development. An algorithm for agribusiness’ monitoring is developed, and its stages are characterized, on the basis of statistical methods using. The proposed algorithm procedure consists of five stages, each of which has its own statistical methods and analysis techniques: from data capture to development of measures for conducting agribusiness. At the stage of a priori analysis, the essence of agribusiness, its key concepts, and categories are investigated. In a broad sense, agribusiness is regarded as a type of business activity in agriculture itself, in industries that create means of production for agriculture, food industry, and also industries, which agriculture serving. In a narrow sense, agribusiness is interpreted as agriculture. The procedure of statistical monitoring of Ukrainian agribusiness in accordance with the proposed algorithm has been carried out. Agribusiness production volumes for the period 2015–2018 are calculated and compared with the volume of GDP of Ukraine, based on statistical standards and the sample surveys results. The structure and dynamics of agribusiness main indicators are analyzed, the intensity of domestic agriculture of development as a basis of agribusiness with the most important economic indicators using is assessed. The basic proportions of agribusiness development and macroeconomic indicators are calculated and evaluated. Conclusions and general recommendations regarding the state and prospects of agribusiness development in Ukraine are formulated.

Author Biography

Tetiana Pohorielova, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Statistics


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Economics and national economy management