Features formation of the certain types plans of bank activity





commercial bank, bank’s activity management, bank’s activity planning, bank strategic plan, bank tactical plan, bank operational plan


The article proposes a scientific and practical approach to the planning process organization of Ukrainian bank activity in modern conditions and the contents specifics of the main types of bank plans. It is shown that: bank’s integrated planning system is an aggregate of plans, which aimed at achieving the mission and tasks set for the bank, including the main types of work and characteristic features of their organization; all types of planning are interconnected because, on the one hand, they are integral elements of the development of a single long-term plan for the bank, and, on the other hand, they are integral elements of the current bank management process; bank goals and ways to achieve them for different time periods in practice are most often defined as the following aggregate of plans: strategic, tactical and operational activity plans; core of the whole plans system is a bank’s strategic development plan, based on the strategic vision, which is formed by shareholders and bank management; to bring of the bank activity plans to individual performers or departments, a plan of bank events is being formed. As a result of conducted research were substantiated: the need of bank’s activity plan forming in the form of an aggregate of multi-time plans; the difference in interests of the bank planning subjects, which predetermines in the content difference of certain types of bank plans; the main typical elements of certain types of bank plans; the relationship and interaction of the main types of bank plans, which leads to the need for their constant adjustment in the event of changes in an external or internal of the bank activity environment; the main organizational models for bank budgeting.

Author Biography

Oleksandr Syrchyn, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Banking


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Finance, banking and insurance