Diagnostics of influence priority of macroeconomic and institutional factors for mining enterprises during changes
changes, external environment, external environment factors, change management, strategic management, drivers of changeAbstract
The article determines that a changes implementation depends on an acceptability level of changes of external environment (contact audiences), developed by enterprise’s management system (team of changes). An influence of institutional and macroeconomic factors that are components of an external environment of enterprises functioning is investigated with a help of expert assessment tools. For this purpose, the article presents the rationale for the number, structure and composition of experts ‒ managers at different levels. Taking into account the specifics of Ukrainian mining enterprises functioning, the influence of twelve factors that determine of these enterprises activity and taking into account of the management system specificity, are analyzed. In the research process, a methodological apparatus, which provides for the consistent implementation of the following actions, was implemented: the list of experts determining and their selection justifying; factors identifying to assess their impact on enterprises; factors assessment on the scale: [most significant influence factor; least significant influence factor]; assessment of the consistency level of expert opinions on an influence factors, subject to its acceptability ‒ calculation of influence specific coefficients of macroeconomic and institutional factors on the mining enterprises activity; evaluation of obtained results and factors determination, whose influence on changes is the most significant. The obtained results should be a source of opportunities and threats determining for enterprises strategic changes realization, as well as a basic guideline for directions determining of strategic potential implementation. According to the obtained estimates, the most significant influence on the changes implementation is exerted by market factors, such as a mining technology and enrichment development factors, and also factors that determine an infrastructure component of production provision system. Based on analysis results, it can be argued that these factors are determining of external drivers of change, taking into account the influence of which is mandatory for developing the strategic potential of change program realizing and enterprise development strategy
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