Analysis of modern problems of enterprise restructuring in Ukraine


  • Olha Vynokurova Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



restructuring, strategic development, crisis, diagnostics, external factors, internal environment


The main problems of Ukrainian enterprises restructuring in conditions of unstable economy are identified and analyzed in the article. Content of the concept of «enterprise restructuring» is clarified. It is noted that the processes of structural transformations can be applied to both the successful existing enterprises, and to the loss-making. Restructuring is considered as an effective tool to overcome the crisis in the activities of economic entities, increasing productivity, competitiveness and enterprises value. As a result of the analysis the main problems that hinder the process of enterprises restructuring in Ukraine are identified and assessed. Recommendations to overcome the existing problems at the macro and micro level to create the conditions for qualitative strategic transformation and improve the efficiency of enterprise restructuring are made.

Author Biography

Olha Vynokurova, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Doctor of Economic scientific degree competitor, Department of Economics and Business Planning


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