Classification and systematization of the threats to financial and economic security of enterprise


  • Oksana Orlyk Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



financial and economic security, threats to financial and economic security, classification, threats classification system


The article investigates the essence of the threat in relation to the financial and economic security of enterprise. The characteristic features and signs of threats to lose the financial and economic security are determined. The list of grouping attributes for risks classification and systematization of the threats to enterprises financial and economic security on the principle of taking into account significant differences between different threats is determined. On the basis of scientific approaches synthesis, the actual classification system of financial and economic security threats was formed, which allowed ranking of threats with a view to their most complete and accurate identification when constructing the system of enterprise financial and economic security. Within the framework of the above mentioned classification system, the grouping signs and types of threats to the enterprise financial and economic security that were proposed by the author, were considered.

Author Biography

Oksana Orlyk, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technology


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