Statistical evaluation of quantitative indicators of regional organized tourism markets


  • Vladimir Pavlotskiy Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



actual capacity of regional tourism market, separate structural departments of companies, the structure of household expenditure, classification of tourist services, demand for organized tourists, organizational forms of tourism


The known approaches of the quantitative analysis of tourist services market are considered in the article, particularities of their application are compared. The reasons of the official statistical sources incompleteness in the tourism sector are highlighted. The adjustment method of the statistical information of sales volumes in the organized tourism regional markets is developed. Household survey data to determine the size of travel expenses are applied. Existing WTO methodology for calculating the share of cash expenditures of the population due to tourist consumption is used. The principle of travel expenses distribution between the organized tourism and backpackers is proposed. The actual capacity of organized tourism markets of Ukraine and Odessa region is determined. Tourism enterprises income structure in the region in accordance with the organizational forms of tourism is analyzed. The main tendencies of the Odessa region tourism market over the past four years are identified

Author Biography

Vladimir Pavlotskiy, Odessa National Economics University

Senior Teacher, Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business


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