Diagnosis of enterprise static and dynamic financial equilibrium


  • Tetiana Gudz Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine




static financial equilibrium, dynamic financial equilibrium, financial stability indicator, financial assets, non-financial assets, capital


The article investigates the financial equilibrium for the purpose of distinction between its static and dynamic states, characteristics of their quantitative parameters, detection of display features, reasons for deviations from equilibrium conditions. The measures of balancing financial condition for enterprise sustainable development are grounded. Achieving the desired goal is implemented by using the following general scientific and specific research methods: dialectical approach, induction and deduction, ratio analysis, ranking and trend analysis. The financial condition of JSC «Motor Sich» for compliance with the conditions of static and dynamic financial equilibrium is analyzed. The reasons for deviations of financial condition of this enterprise from static and dynamic parameters of financial equilibrium are identified. The measures to achieve financial equilibrium of JSC «Motor Sich» in its static and dynamic forms are proposed, that will strengthen the enterprise financial capacity.

Author Biography

Tetiana Gudz, Poltava University of Economics and Trade

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Finance and Banking


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