The cross-border meso-level of cluster forms development of industrial integration


  • Sergei Kovalenko Danube Institute of National University «Odessa Maritime Academy», Ukraine



cross-border cluster system, meso-level, meso-economic synthesis, European integration, European region, innovations, competitiveness


The article examines the main features inherent to meso-level of international integration formations representing network structures in intra-branch and inter-branch cooperation in the form of cross-border cluster systems encompassing macro-level and micro-level of integration of national economies. Possibilities of theory synthesis of international economic integration and cluster concept in economic area virtualization environment are revealed. Cluster approach is proved to be the most efficient mechanism to develop cross-border economic relations and represents, finally, a meso-level of competitive international integration systems and mandatory condition of quality advance for Ukrainian European integration. The essence and inner interrelations of cross-border network cluster are investigated as the growth factor of the European region competitiveness under the conditions of intensifying the integration processes and the necessity of enhancement of the role of periphery regions’ economy in the framework of cross-border cooperation. Within the context of European Union regional politics the strategic priorities of the spatial development of the European regions are stated on the basis of self-organization of “hybrid” network quasi integration institutions. Their role in the competitive recovery of the European regions in the light of Ukrainian perspectives of joining European Union is investigated.

Author Biography

Sergei Kovalenko, Danube Institute of National University «Odessa Maritime Academy»

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Humanitarian Sciences


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Economics and national economy management