Methodology for planning of bank’s credit activity indicators
commercial bank, bank assets, credit policy of the bank, planning of the bank’s credit activity, loan portfolio of the bank, average interest rate on loans, net interest margin, interest income, reserves of the bank for credit operationsAbstract
The article proposes a scientific and practical methodology for planning of credit activity indicators of Ukrainian bank. As a result of the conducted research, it is substantiated: 1) the planning of the bank’s credit activity should determine future value of main indicators: size of loan portfolio (loans provided), costs of forming reserves for loans issued, interest income and the average interest rate on loans; 2) some calculated indicators are determined by other sections of the bank’s plan and enter the planning section of the bank’s credit activity as fixed values; 3) part of the values of the calculated indicators depends on the credit policy of the bank and can be determined by statistical methods or established as a subjective normative value (by decision of the bank’s governing bodies in accordance with the subjective assessment of the bank’s situation in the future); 4) the proposed methodology was tested using the example of Ukrainian bank.
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