UNDP in Ukraine: trends and financing mechanisms of sustainable development projects
international financial institutions, UNDP, resource mobilization, financial resources, bilateral donors, multilateral donorsAbstract
In the article the features of UNDP funding of the sustainable development projects in Ukraine have been examined. It has been determined that UNDP activities in Ukraine are aimed at meeting the funding needs in financing sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction, social development, governance, environment and climate change. The mechanisms of financing of UNDP development projects in Ukraine, which include core resources, provided by bilateral donors, and thematic funds, earmarked funds, UN pooled funds, vertical funds, financed by multilateral partners, have been determined. The analysis of development project financing within framework programs of UNDP and Ukraine partnerships shows trends to increase the total projects budget. The thematic areas, where most funding is directed to, have been defined. The practical significance of the results is the ability to use them for the development of strategic activities of partnership between Ukraine and UNDP.
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