Socio-economic conditions and factors necessary for the optimization of the network of higher education institutions in Ukraine


  • Anatolij Podgornyj Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
  • Tetiana Koroleva Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



higher education institutions, scientific and pedagogical staff, reformation, optimization, applicants, students, forecasting, consequences of the reforming


The influence of factors on the formation of a modern network of higher education institutions in Ukraine is researched, objective and subjective factors are defined. Expert opinion on the restructuring of higher education institutions network in Ukraine is generalized, and it is specified that the majority of authors characterize modern network of higher education institutions as ineffective and as one that needs to be reformed. Modern territorial and sectoral structure of higher education institutions, their scientific and pedagogical potential, volume of specialists training are analyzed. It is defined that the network of higher education institutions in Ukraine is oversaturated with branches of higher educational institutions that do not have the necessary scientific and pedagogical potential, financial and technical support. The calculations of the future number of students and teachers are made, and on this basis, the standpoint on the need, directions and ways of optimization of the network of higher education institutions is formulated. The basic arrangements regarding the optimization of the network of higher education institutions in Ukraine are proposed. Positive and negative effects of these measures are determined.

Author Biographies

Anatolij Podgornyj, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Professor, Head of Statistics Department

Tetiana Koroleva, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Senior Research Fellow of Scientific and Research Department


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Economics and national economy management