A complex of scenarios of effective functioning of consumer cooperation of Ukraine in the structure of national economy


  • Olena Taran-Lala Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade», Ukraine




functioning, consumer cooperation, socio-economic system, parameters of the system, scenarios, method of analysis of hierarchies, analytical strategic planning


The article defines the aspects of conceptual and methodological character and applied developments concerning the diagnostics of consumer cooperation functioning as a socio-economic system in the structure of national economy. The algorithm of realization of the analytical strategic planning of consumer cooperation functioning process is offered, as a socio-economic system in the structure of national economy due to the increase level of its efficiency. Sound prognostication of consumer cooperation effective functioning levels as a socio-economic system in the structure of national economy under the condition of effective cooperation with the actor of «Government control» and the use of certain possibilities and prevention of problems impedimental to the considerable improvement of consumer cooperation activity is made. The analysis of the systems, comprehensively taking into account and using all factors-limitations, problems and possibilities, including all system parameters which appear in problems, all their aims, policies and tasks, all alternatives and possibilities of scenarios of development of events, is scientifically formed.

Author Biography

Olena Taran-Lala, Higher Educational Institution of Ukoopspilka «Poltava University of Economics and Trade»

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Management


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Economics and national economy management