Тhe formalization of the cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development monitoring components
monitoring, monitoring of sustainable development, sustainable development of primary elevators, monitoring components of sustainable development, process stability, competitive strength, financial stability, the scale of J. Harington, methods of monitoring of sustainable developmentAbstract
The article defines the cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development monitoring components. The process of the cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development monitoring on the aggregate level using context diagrams and on the detailed level using decomposition diagrams with a detailed description of its stages is considered. The «inputs» and «outputs» of the process of the cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development monitoring are defined. The expediency of projection of evaluation results on the verbal-numerical scale of J. Harington is substantiated. The scale of J. Harington is adapted, the modified linguistic evaluation of cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development components levels is worked out. The proposed methods of the cereal receiving enterprises sustainable development monitoring are tested on the example of Kremydivska manufacturing site of Odessa grain terminal DPZKU
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