Strategy of cyclic diversification as an instrument of increasing efficiency in sales activity of agriculture enterprises


  • Pavlo Bohachyk Uman National University of Horticulture, Ukraine



strategy in sales activities, diversification, efficiency, sales activities, agricultural enterprises, export, reinvestment


With a view to increase the efficiency of business activity of agricultural enterprises in Ukraine the size of the revenues from buying and selling of agricultural products through different market channels was calculated. Besides, the author calculates the size of the economic effect from export deliveries. The effectiveness of the use of its own facilities for the processing of agricultural products by the enterprises was proved and the size of lost profit due to the absence of complete economic cycle of «production-processing-sale» in agricultural enterprises was calculated. On the basis of these calculations the most perspective products for sales on the domestic and foreign markets were identified. The main stages of cyclic diversification strategy aimed to increase the efficiency in sales activity of agricultural enterprises are proposed.

Author Biography

Pavlo Bohachyk, Uman National University of Horticulture

Postgraduate student of Management Department


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