Personnel motivation as a part of effective enterprise management


  • Alena Klymchuk Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine



motivation, motivation system, methods of motivation, performance incentives, employment, remuneration


The article investigates the essence of motivation as a part of effective enterprise management. The author reveals the essence of the concept «motivation» as the main factor of effective labor personnel. Scientists’ attitudes of different generations to employeesmotivation are investigated. The article examines the impact of motivation on the activities of workers; methods and main tasks of motivation are defined, basic directions of financial and non-financial incentives in the system of enterprise personnel management are revealed. The recommendations for the development and improvement of incentives for more efficient use of personnel in modern conditions are proposed. The international experience of workersmotivation is presented and the author’s own vision of personnel motivation system for modern enterprisesisoffered.

Author Biography

Alena Klymchuk, Khmelnytskyi National University

PhD in Economics, Doctoral student of International Economic Relations Department


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