The concept of ensuring financial component of enterprise economic security


  • Oksana Orlyk Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



financial and economic security, management mechanism, the concept of financial and economic security of an enterprise, concept stages


The article deepens theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the concept of providing financial and economic security to business entities. The essence of the concept of «the concept of financial and economic security of an enterprise» is determined. The requirements for the formation, content and components of the given concept were clarified. The algorithm of formation of the concept of financial and economic security of an enterprise and its practical implementation was developed and proposed. Within the framework of the proposed concept, the principles, methods and mechanisms of the control system of financial and economic security of an enterprise were discussed. The main results of implementation of the proposed model of the concept of providing financial and economic security in the practice of financial and economic activity of enterprises were given. It was concluded that even in the absence of a problem situation or significant threats affecting the financial and economic security of an enterprise, the concept of its maintenance must still be formed as a preventive measure to avert effects of threats in the future

Author Biography

Oksana Orlyk, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems in Economics


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