Features of the infrastructural support of innovative activity of the entities of region economic complex


  • Vladimir Dubnytskyy Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology, Ukraine
  • Sergey Kolodynskyy Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine




infrastructure of innovative activity, economic complex of region, model of the infrastructural support of the regional innovative system mechanism, regional economy


Proposals made in the article are aimed at improving the infrastructure of innovative activity of the economic complex of the region, which is worthwhile to consider in statics – as elements of the subsystem, and in dynamic – the processes, mechanisms aimed at innovation activity, relationships and interactions that create the integrity of the entire innovation subsystem. In view of the functions to ensure innovation, the article pointed out that technological support, support in the form of training, consulting, software, information technology, financial and marketing support should be distinguished in the classification of infrastructural support of innovative activity. A three-dimensional model of the innovation infrastructure in the regional innovation system is proposed.

Author Biographies

Vladimir Dubnytskyy, Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Economy Department

Sergey Kolodynskyy, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics and Management of National Economy Department


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Productive forces development and regional economy