Problems of wages legalization in Ukraine


  • Natalia Dobrova Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



shadow economy, legalization, wages, labor contract, labor relations, social protection


In the following article the main problems of wages legalization in Ukraine were considered, which is the actual subject in current economic crisis in Ukraine nowadays. Besides, the problems of shadow employment in Ukraine were considered, in particular, the background of labor legislation infringement, which is expressed,firstly, in the payment of wages to employees «in an envelope»;secondly, in hiring employees to work without proper employment contracts with them. It is proved that the payment of wages «in envelopes» is the burden of our time, which entails a lot of problems, weakening the social protection of workers and reducing revenues to budgets and state social funds. The features of the social protection of employees in Germany are examined. The directions of wages legalization as well as social and labor relationships in Ukraine are suggested.

Author Biography

Natalia Dobrova, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate professor, Economics and Management of National Economy Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics