The problems of using the modern money-nongoods theory in practice


  • Liudmila Ryabinina Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



money-nongoods, usefulness of goods, the functions of modern money-nongoods, the essence of price, exchange rate, loan interest, interest rate


The article is devoted to theoretical problems of money, which lost its relationship with gold, the price scale and its commodity nature. It was analyzed the nature and function of modern money that appeared after the demonetization of gold and its differences from commodity money are analysed. It was substantiated that today’s money – this is money-non-goods, having non of the features inherent to a product. In addition, unlike the goods, today’s money-nongoods has no value as a monetary expression of the value of goods, making debatable consideration of exchange rate, loan interest and its norms as the price of money. The solution of this problem will allow the central bank to develop scientifically grounded monetary policy, aimed at improving the efficiency of the use of modern credit money-non-goods in practice

Author Biography

Liudmila Ryabinina, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Banking Department


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