Prospects of leadership for Ukrainian economy in the Black Sea European region


  • Sergei Kovalenko Danube Institute of «Odessa Maritime Academy» National University, Ukraine



Ukraine, integration, globalization, regionalization, geo-economical transformation, Black Sea European Region, cross-border cooperation


The article researches one of possible vectors of Ukrainian integration in view of modern geo-economical transformations taking into consideration the most actual trends in development of worldwide economy and international relations. Integration processes within the framework of Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSECO) are reviewed as an aid to adapt national economy of Ukraine to modern geo-economical transformation in worldwide economy. Involvement and participation of Ukraine in regional structure of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation is caused by transit nature of its economy. Cooperation within the BSECO is one of the most important directions contributing into economic and energetic stability of Ukraine encompassing such projects, as seaports improvement and reconstruction, cyclic Black Sea road and gas pipelines running across the Black Sea. The Black Sea electric power ring is vitally important for both Ukrainian and European stability.

Author Biography

Sergei Kovalenko, Danube Institute of «Odessa Maritime Academy» National University


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of humanitarian sciences


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Economics and national economy management