Theoretical and methodological view on the recreation in the management system of national economy
recreation, management system, national economy, system thinkingAbstract
The recreation as a component of the macroeconomics from the theoretical and methodological perspective is researched in the article. The system thinking allows us to generalize and identify relationships of «recreation» subsystem in the management system of national economy. The attention is focused on the management aspects, particularly on management functions such as forecasting, regulation, etc., which correlate with the main directions of scientific economic research on national level. Separate components of the recreational subsystem are analyzed: input elements, namely resources of recreational sectors that can come directly from the environment or through the management system of national economy; internal relationships: sectoral and territorial, interregional and cluster interactions; output elements represented as results of recreational sustainable development. The balancing of recreation system development is interpreted as turning on programmed trajectory within the allowed deviation through the state maintaining of its movement.
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