The development of euromanagement in enterprises of Ukraine as a factor of their competitiveness
euromanagement, competitiveness, enterprise, corporate social responsibilityAbstract
The article researches the development of euromanagement in the enterprises of Ukraine. According to the international standard ISO 26000: 2010, the main features of social responsibility of the enterprise are outlined. The data from official websites of PrJSC «MTS Ukraine», PrJSC «Kyivstar», JSC «Lifecell» are analyzed according to the characteristics of the social responsibility of the enterprise. The results of the analysis show that for companies the most common projects in euromanagement are: programs of consumer protection; programs aimed at the development of the company; programs to improve the environmental situation; programs aimed at the development of local communities. It is proposed to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises of mobile communication in Ukraine to develop euromanagement. This will give the opportunity to improve the image of the enterprise, increase the sales of services to retain existing customers, generate their loyalty, to ensure the implementation of the latest technologies, to attract investments.
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Official website of PrJSC «MTS Ukraine» [Ofitsiinyi sait PrAT «MTS Ukraine»], available at: (ukr)
Official website of JSC «Lifecell» [Ofitsiinyi sait TOV «Laifsell»], available at: (ukr)
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