Planning of the development of enterprises on the basis of adaptability


  • Yulia Sidorenko Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, Ukraine



development, classification of types of development, adaptability, adaptive development


The article develops the classification of the types of enterprise development. The nature and content of the category of adaptive development of the enterprise and its place in the general classification are clarified. With the usage of the general scientific methods (such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, observation, logic synthesis), the essence of adaptability, as a property of companies development, was formulated the. The system of types of development classification is proposed and the place of adaptive development in it is defined.

Author Biography

Yulia Sidorenko, Kharkov Trade and Economic Institute of the Kyiv National Trade and Economic University

PhD in Economics, Lecturer of Enterprise’s Economy and Economic Theory Department


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