The role of knowledge in the modern economy


  • Yevhen Shtoka Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



knowledge, knowledge function, economy of knowledge, knowledge economy, new economy


The use of individual and collective knowledge in the modern world is becoming the main condition for the formation of the modern economy. The main goal of the article is to summarize the approach to the definition of «economy, based on knowledge» and its specific characteristics. The approaches of different scientists to the categories of «economy of knowledge» and «knowledge economy» are investigated. The specific features of «economy of knowledge» are summarized. The functions of knowledge in the new format economy are considered. Recommendations for further developments in the study of essence and characteristics of «knowledge economy» are formulated.

Author Biography

Yevhen Shtoka, Odessa National Economics University

Searcher of the Department of Accounting and Taxation in Economy Branches


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