Basic concepts of enterprise cash flows


  • Oleksandr Yankovyi Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine
  • Galina Koshelek Odessa National Economics University, Ukraine



concept, cash flows, flow of funds, inflow, outflow


The article considers the formation of basic concepts of cash flows of the enterprise American analysts, who used them to analyze securities and financial statements. It is proved that the basic concept of cash flow can be complemented with the development of science and practice. The study summarizes the basic concepts that are integral concept of cash flows of the enterprise as follows: financial stability and solvency; investment project; the time value of cash flows; cash inflows and outflows; business value; financial controlling; the price of capital; business and financial risks; stocks and bods market; investment attractiveness; financial and economic security of the enterprise; the quality of enterprise management. It is proposed to complement the concept of cash flow to certain concepts that will contribute to more effective management of the company’s cash flows in the current conditions

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Yankovyi, Odessa National Economics University

Doctor in Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Enterprise Economy

Galina Koshelek, Odessa National Economics University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economy


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