The influence of financial risk on the management system of financial resources of the enterprise


  • Sofiia Dombrovska Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



financial resources, financial risk, own capital, borrowed capital


The essence and characteristics of financial risk in the market conditions are considered in the article. The variety of definitions of the category of «risk» in the works of native and foreign scientists is shown. The classification of financial risks according to the different features is elucidated. The paper illustrates the major internal and external causes of financial risks in the financial and business activity of enterprises. The sequence of analysis of risk in the company is posted, the mathematical procedure to define the level of risk is shown. The main areas of risks of the company’s activity are defined. The structure of own and borrowed capital of Ukraine companies for 2005-2014 years is analyzed, wherein the ratio of long-term and current liabilities to provisions of enterprises is singled out. The measures of neutralization of financial risks in enterprise activity are proposed.

Author Biography

Sofiia Dombrovska, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate student, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market


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