Place of financial controlling in the financial management of industrial enterprises


  • Iryna Lapina Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
  • Anastasia Pinti Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine



financial management, financial controlling, financial controlling tools, enterprise management system


The article deals with the problems associated with the introduction and development of financial controlling as the financial management function of industrial enterprises. It analyzes and concretizes specific problems of financial management and controlling of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the modern conditions. The role and place of financial controlling in the system of financial management of the company are identified. It is proved that financial controlling is the most rational way to achieve efficient operation of the industrial enterprises based on the analysis of problems of financial management and controlling. The necessity of usage and improvement of different specific methods and tools of controlling at industrial enterprises is substantiated.

Author Biographies

Iryna Lapina, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market

Anastasia Pinti, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate student, Department of Financial Management and Stock Market


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