Problems of the financial support of local budgets
own powers, delegated powers, transfers, decentralization, centralization, local budgets, local authorities, financial resources, incomes of local budgetsAbstract
The problems of financial provision of local budgets are viewed and the share of revenues and expenditures of local budgets in the income/expenditure of the consolidated budget of Ukraine are analyzed in the article. The gap between own and fixed revenues of the local budgets are analyzed. The share of intergovernmental transfers in the revenue structure of local budgets of Ukraine is studied. The share of own revenues of local budgets is analyzed. The availability of delegated powers of the local budgets is researched. The ways of improving financial security of local budgets are suggested. The necessity of achieving financial viability of local budgets, which will lead to the improvement of the socio-economic status of the territory, is grounded.
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