. Economic potential management of the state-owned enterprises in conditions of public-private partnership development





state-owned enterprise, economic potential, management, public-private partnership, economic activity


The article considers a conceptual approach to economic potential managing at the state-owned enterprise by public-private partnerships (PPPs) using. The subject of research is the theoretical and methodological provisions for economic potential management system formation of a state enterprise that cooperates with private sector under PPP conditions. The aim of article is substantiation of economic potential management concept of state-owned commercial enterprises in context of public-private partnership implementation. The basis of research is a systematic approach to the knowledge of enterprise economic potential management, as well as methods of logical generalization, comparison, analysis, synthesis, abstract-logical. At design stage it is recommended to determine the key performance indicators (KPI) of PPP implementation. For sustainability planning, a deeper analysis of the project should be carried out and services should be categorized according to alternative models of cooperation within the project, based on the idea of value-oriented management. The author recommended an economic potential management model by structuring key tools for enterprise management, which will provide a comprehensive understanding of the possibilities for its implementation, risks and problematic issues determination in economic activity aspects. The scope of application of research results are state-owned commercial enterprises. In determining of the state-owned enterprises economic potential for PPP projects, it is important to balance of the potential everything components, an influence calculate on project results its duration and risks, reliable determination of economic potential volume, methods for analyzing and evaluating of efficient use of the economic potential.

Author Biography

Oksana Chumak, PJSC Higher education institution «Interregional Academy of Personnel Management»


PhD in Economics, Associate Professor


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Economics and national economy management