Improving of personnel management efficiency in the context of development features of energy sector enterprises of Ukraine
energy, HR-management, digitalization, information technology, Fourth industrial revolutionAbstract
The article determines that the digitalization and informatization trends, the Fourth Industrial Revolution achievements gradual implementation, decarbonization trends, and also social and economic instability on a global scale have a considerable influence on the energy sector development. Further transition to information economy, digitalization, the artificial intelligence implementation in various business processes realization necessitate the improvement of personnel management efficiency, the modern approaches implementation to talent management, the innovative activity development and further of labor harmonization. It is proved that the important directions of personnel management efficiency increasing in the energy sector enterprises, taking into account the particularities of their business processes implementing in the context of a gradual transition to the information society, are: the personnel management information systems development, their integration with a global information systems of enterprises business processes managing; increasing the level of staff involvement with online environment, social networks and digital technologies using, which will be facilitated by the modern communication strategies development for internal and external stakeholders, further digitalization of personnel management processes; using the innovative forms of labor organization for creative workers, which can provide more efficient processes for creating innovations (practices development for distance employment introducing, remote work, information systems for communication and monitoring of key performance indicators achievement); energy enterprises business processes digitalization at all production stages. The features of personnel management determined by the authors at the enterprises of energy sector of Ukraine in the context of national economy digitalization and justified directions for the personnel management fficiency improving will contribute to a more efficient digital transformation of domestic enterprises in the energy sector and innovative solutions implementation in their business processes.
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