Personnel as a strategic resource of enterprise activity in the conditions of new economy
new economy, strategic resource, personnel, personnel management, personnel mobility, adaptability of personnelAbstract
The basic concepts and rules of new economy, personnel management as a strategic resource of enterprise activity in the new economic conditions, are investigated in the article. The following features of the new economy are highlighted: the formation and active use of dynamic knowledges as a resource for goods, services and infrastructure creation; active introduction of new technologies in all sectors of the economy; intellectualization of goods and services, nature and structure of work; elimination of national and geographical borders; increasing the competition severity in the market for goods and services and the labor market. The purpose of the article is: clarification of the new economy concepts as a management system and its information ecosystem, management contours, target balance of management, formation of correspondence tables for the features of the new economy and changes in personnel management, in the processes of an enterprise human and intellectual capital forming; determination the strategic goals of enterprise development and its personnel management system. The new economy is called the post-industrial economy, which actively uses a new technologies, which, in turn, dynamically change the production of goods and services, forms of management and interaction, contribute to the emergence of priorities for intellectual capital formation. Such an economy is supported by a modern information ecosystem, which is an electronic information environment of organization (enterprise, institution, etc.). An enterprise in a new economy can be considered along such contours of development as: the contours of economic activity; marketing promotion and customer engagement management; network infrastructure; HR-management. Tables of strategic personnel management tools using are proposed taking into account of the new economy features. Obtained results are the basis for the personnel management strategy formation, a target and roadmap for enterprise HR-department activity creation.
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