Human capital formation in the region: process essence and influence factors




human capital, human potential, investment in human capital, regional labor market, human capital of a region


The article considers the relationship between the elements of human capital and investment in human capital for his potential development and accumulation. An approach to the human capital definition as established or developed as a result of investments and accumulated for targeted use in the field of social production, to promote the growth of labor productivity, is presented. The necessity of regional programs of economic and social development, their directions in the field of human capital management for the country human potential accumulation as a whole is shown. The following types of investments are highlighted: healthcare; education; professional and other types of training; labor motivation; healthy lifestyle promotion; children’s birth expenses, parenting, person development and self-development. It is proved that through an internal regional labor market formation and development, and with its help, the trajectory of human capital accumulation will be realized. It is recommended to use integrated investments for the human capital accumulation from an enterprise, a state (region) and an individual side. The scheme of regional management of human capital development is presented. The directions of the regional labor market development are determined taking into account economic and social directions. An approach to the feasibility in human capital investing by the example of evaluation by appropriate formulas is generalized. The concept of region’s human capital as a resource of its economic development, which is developed taking into account of the territory needs and characteristics on the basis of appropriate conditions creation: economic, social, infrastructural, ethno-cultural and others, is proposed. It is concluded that there is a close relationship between human capital and region’s socioeconomic potential formation and its role in the system of regional competitiveness formation.

Author Biography

Oksana Klimenkova, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University, Vinnytsia

Senior Lecturer of Management and Behavioral Economics Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics