Methodical toolkit for causes determining of personnel resistance to strategic change at the enterprise
personnel management, organizational changes, development strategy, personnel resistance, personnel readiness for change, cause and effect diagram, organizational cultureAbstract
The article proposes a methodical toolkit for causes determining of personnel resistance to strategic change at the enterprise. In order to identify and detailed barriers analysis to the strategic changes implementation and a cause-and-effect diagram building, in the work summarizes and groups a possible reasons for change resistance at various levels, among which are highlighted: at the individual level – personal, economic, professional, motivational; at the group level – socio-psychological and managerial; at the organizational level – resource and organizational. It substantiates the research tool using the problem of personnel resistance to changes – an Ishikawa cause-and-effect diagram, with which it becomes possible to identify of significant causes that affect at the strategic changes implementation. An importance of this type diagram constructing is proved due to the possibility of a deeper analysis of investigated problem causes, their identification and visual structuring of personnel resistance to strategic changes process. An important feature of proposed methodical providing is an express analysis possibility of the reasons for personnel resistance to changes in the monitoring mode, because this type of diagram is used for significance and strength of factors influence determining on the studied object and priorities selecting for eliminating the problem. The use of the proposed cause and effect diagram will contribute not only for causes systematization of personnel resistance and factors, which influenced the occurrence of these causes, but also to their consistent neutralization in order to reduce the level of counteraction. Measures to mitigate possible causes of personnel resistance to strategic changes in the context of identified groups are proposed.
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