Combination of integration and self-organization of business entity’s activity: theoretical principles and conceptual approach
, business process, integration, management tools, self-organization, state of businesss entity, management systemAbstract
The article presents the theoretical bases and conceptual approach to combining of integration and selforganization processes within the framework of ongoing business processes and business entity state formation, from the standpoint of information and economic management context. The purpose of research is to develop a theoretical and conceptual provisions for embodiment of integration processes in the self-management processes on the basis of information-economic acquisition by the business processes of integrative qualities-signs and taking into account of integration factor influence on the business entity state. Based on the methodological principles of synergetic theory about the mandatory semantic content of information to generate a synergistic effect in self-organizing (reflective) management processes, the necessity of anthropomorphic qualities information providing, which will be played by the economic properties of management, is substantiated. The qualitative information and economic properties of management, which determine the leading positioning of information-economic type of integration in the integration basis of management, are defined. Properties are «being implemented» through an integration basis in selforganizational management decisions by integrated business processes and complex («economic-integration») state of business entity. Conditions-factors of integration-self-organizational conceptualization of management on information and economic basis of the synergetic effect formation of business entity activity, are defined. The practical value of research results is that due to the information-economic parameterization and assessment of the benefits of integrated business processes, decisions will be made on purposeful self-organizational achievement of the homeostatic equilibrium state with a corresponding of economic and integration characteristics (indicators) of sustainability. For theoretical and conceptual provisions implementing of the symbiosis of management integration and self-organization, the development preconditions are formulated – the system-wide properties of integrated information and economic tools of self-organization management of the business entity activity.
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