Market analysis of industrial forage for unproductive animals




feed for unproductive animals, raw material and wastes of meat industry, quality of forage certificates, industrial forages


The article substantiates the research relevance of the feed market state for unproductive animals, their classification is given, and quality requirements are expounded. The possibility of using a low-value products and waste from the meat-processing industry as a raw material for the feed production has been shown. The rules of certification and quality requirements of the modern domestic market and the European market of industrial feed for unproductive animals are investigated. General norms and determinations are specified for a national food legislation and food legislation of EU, including the goal – achieving free movement of feed in the EU. The national standards of Ukraine and European standards in this activity sphere are analyzed. The ways of rational use of secondary raw materials are substantiated, which ensure the growth of industry production potential and the product assortment expansion. According to expert evaluations, around 10-20% of companies are potentially ready to present their own products on the European market, and the remaining 80-90% is not yet ready. It was noted that the general situation with the availability of raw materials in Ukraine is considered favorable, and the production organization of high-value and original feeds will allow us to develop an existing market for domestic feed for unproductive animals and to create the necessary conditions for their export to the EU countries. It is proposed to adapt domestic quality standards to European ones in order for export expanding of Ukrainian products to the European Union countries. It is recommended to introduce international systems of quality and safety products management at domestic enterprises in order to be able produce a competitive products and present them on the European market.

Author Biography

Anastasiya Berber, Odessa National Economic University

Postgraduate Student, Department of Marketing


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity